SWISSCDC Multiclamp Our multiclamp is a non-daily multifunctional tool exceling the quality of previous tools. A tying tool in Swiss quality. How to use Multiclamp SFr. 36.00/pcs
Swissflies fly tying scissors Surgery quality scissors 9cm, precision-cut surface, intersects even individual hackles for sure. SFr. 18.40/pcs
Swissflies IRIS fly tying scissors
Curved special scissors for eye surgery, top quality, sharp, acute -ideal even for the finest flies SFr. 29.10/pcs
Brass bobbin holder
Beautiful handcrafted brass bobbin holder, ideal tension and rounded tube ends for even fine threads
SFr. 3.60/pcs
Ceramic bobbin holder
Hackle pliers
Choose between the classic engish hackle pliers or the bigger brass model- or buy both
Ezee- Hackle pliers
A simple but very effektive way to hold your hackle safe- just press the button, insert the hackle
then- tie your fly
SFr. 4.50/pcs
Beautiful brass hairstacker- you can't make any good deer hair sedge without it