Schweizer Fliegen – Mouches Suisses – Swiss Flies

Classic Nymphs

You will find here a few world market patterns- nymphs that get fish everywhere. The fly tiers of our worldwide partners produce barbless high quality nymphs for you.

Please find more nymphs, developed or adapted by Swiss Fly tiers under Swiss Nymphs

Arthofer Nymphe


The Arthofer nymph is probably the best-known nymph pattern in Europe.

Invented by Alois Arthofer (born in Vienna in 1932), it was later produced on a large scale by fishing tackle dealer Norbert Eipeltauer.

This nymph always catches everything. Thanks to copper weighting, it sinks reliably but unsuspiciously down to the fish. The Arthofer nymph has to be in every fly fishing box.

SFr. 2.50/pcs

Grösse/ hameçon/ size



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