Schweizer Fliegen – Mouches Suisses – Swiss Flies

Swiss Gammarus

Gammarus are the most abundant species in our Swiss rivers. Trout and grayling love it.

Gammarus orange

Swissflies Gammarus orange

Gammarus grey

Swissflies Gammarus grey

Gammarus brown

Swissflies Gammarus brown

Swissflies Gammarus

Classic Swiss Gammarus nymph in orange, grey and brown, as good in the bigger rivers like Aare, Linthkanal, Rhône, Ticino, Rhine as in any small creek.

Weighted nymph, Swissflies natursl dubbing , on round hook SHG.

Farbe/ Grösse couleur/ hameçon color/ size

Farbe/ Grösse couleur/ hameçon color/ size

Farbe/ Grösse couleur/ hameçon color/ size


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