Français | Deutsch | English |
Fly tying material Swissflies |
ailes | Flügel | wings | |
barbes | Hecheln | hackles | |
canard | Ente | duck | |
coq | Hahn | cock / rooster | |
corps | Fliegenkörper | fly body | |
couleur | Farbe | color | |
argenté | silberfarbig- meist Tinsel oder Draht | silver color; mostly tinsel or wire | Uni French wire |
blanc/ blanche | weiss | white | |
brun | braun | brown | |
clair (p.ex. olive clair) | hell (z.B. helloliv) | light (p.ex. light olive) | |
doré | goldfarbig- meist Tinsel oder Draht | golden; mostly tinsel or wire | Uni French wire |
foncé (p.ex. rouge foncé) | dunkel (z.B. dunkelrot) | dark (p.ex. dark red) | |
gris | grau | grey | |
jaune | gelb | yellow | |
rouge | rot | red | |
vert | grün | green | |
faisan | Fasan | pheasant | |
filet | Rippung | ribbing | Uni French wire |
hameçon | Haken | hook |
Historical flies were made on barbed forged hooks (Sneck bend, Mustad). As fair fishermen nowadays, we use only barbless hooks like |
oeil de paon ebarbé | Enthaarter Pfauenfederkiel | stripped peacock quills | |
poils de lapin | Kaninchendubbing | Rabbit Dubbing | Swiss Rabbit Dubbing |
pointes | Schwanzfibern | tail fibers | |
rafia | Rafia | Swiss straw | SwissR |
soie | Seide | silk |
Swissflies has a reasonable stock of old historic silk - indicate what you need. |
teint | gefärbt | dyed | |
voiles | "Segel" Synonym für Flügel | synonym to wings |
Copyright Swissflies - Swiss historical flies. Any commercial remake is forbidden without the written permission of Swissflies, the holder of all rights of "Mouches de Vallorbe".
Copyright Swissflies - Swiss historical flies. Webdesign Swissparadigm |