Schweizer Fliegen – Mouches Suisses – Swiss Flies

Translation of french fly tying terms

Français Deutsch English

Fly tying material Swissflies

ailes Flügel wings  
barbes Hecheln hackles

Swissflies hackles

canard Ente duck

Swissflies feathers

coq Hahn cock / rooster  
corps Fliegenkörper fly body  
couleur Farbe color  
argenté silberfarbig- meist Tinsel oder Draht silver color; mostly tinsel or wire Uni French wire
blanc/ blanche weiss white  
brun braun brown  
clair (p.ex. olive clair) hell (z.B. helloliv) light (p.ex. light olive)  
doré goldfarbig- meist Tinsel oder Draht golden; mostly tinsel or wire Uni French wire
foncé (p.ex. rouge foncé) dunkel (z.B. dunkelrot) dark (p.ex. dark red)  
gris grau grey  
jaune gelb yellow  
rouge rot red  
vert grün green  
faisan Fasan pheasant  
filet Rippung ribbing Uni French wire
hameçon Haken hook

Historical flies were made on barbed forged hooks (Sneck bend, Mustad). As fair fishermen nowadays, we use only barbless hooks like


oeil de paon ebarbé Enthaarter Pfauenfederkiel stripped peacock quills

Polish Quills

poils de lapin Kaninchendubbing Rabbit Dubbing Swiss Rabbit Dubbing
pointes Schwanzfibern tail fibers  
rafia Rafia Swiss straw SwissR
soie Seide silk

Swiss silk threads

Swissflies has a reasonable stock of old historic silk - indicate what you need.
For other, not listed, Zwicky, Gütermann etc. send a mail to We try to find what you need.

teint gefärbt dyed  
voiles "Segel" Synonym für Flügel synonym to wings  

Copyright Swissflies - Swiss historical flies. Any commercial remake is forbidden without the written permission of Swissflies, the holder of all rights of "Mouches de Vallorbe".


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Copyright Swissflies - Swiss historical flies.
Any commercial use of texts, pictures, names or remake of the flies presented herein is forbidden without the written permission of Swissflies, the holder of all rights.

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